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We offer you a customisable workshop, called The Creative Platform for Creativity Training. We use a unique technique for finding creative solutions to Business Administration and Product Management related problems.

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The Creative Platform was a PhD work of a professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, that combined many different creativity tools into one and has the purpose of enhancing creativity in all participants. The Platform is a workshop for creating innovative solutions to any kind of problems connected to Business Administration and Product Management by using a knowledge database. Through the creative process, humans develop an ability to be themselves – thus freeing them from limitations of disciplinary (academic/professional), social or cultural character.

The basic element of a creative process is the idea. An idea is a unique situation-specific representation of knowledge – and the process consists of ideas – on ideas – on ideas until the solution in the form of a product, project, procedure, an appointment, idea concept, a professional understanding or course of action is a reality.


On the Platform, it is possible for professionals from all kinds of disciplines and cultural backgrounds to unlimited apply their knowledge for solving a common task/problem. Therefore, the Creative Platform is a learning environment, where people apply their knowledge unlimitedly to create new knowledge constructions in terms of ideas for products, services or new perspectives on their thinking.

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For the Creative Platform to work, the following principles must always be met. Those are the four pillars that hold the Platform stable:


  • All have the same kind of thinking and behavior at all times (parallel thinking)

  • One should only focus on the task (task focus)

  • There should be no experience of judgement (no experience judgement)

  • Stimulating the use of all kinds of knowledge (horizontal thinking / diversified knowledge)


The Creative Platform uses the so-called 3-dimensional didactic approach. It consists of 3D cases that each has a learning objective and/or an energizer objective. It is called 3D didactic because it involves body, mind and attitude of the participants. The idea is that the 3D didactic changes the behavior and thinking of the participants to become more creative while building up confidence, motivation and concentration for the individual.

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The process on The Creative Platform and the work done on it always follow the same phases – no matter what the purpose might be:

1. Preparation for facilitating the process, composition of participants, physical frames and writing down a minute-by-minute program of the process
2. The Red Carpet is a ritual in which participants get onto The Creative Platform and have the motivation, concentration and confidence to engage in the process
3. The problem/task is presented briefly and without professional/academic input of any kind
4. Idea development is where knowledge is applied unlimited in a creative generation and development of solutions for the problem/task 5. Professional/academic input is brought into the process when we have found a direction/an idea that we want to develop further
6. The Blue Carpet is a ritual in which participants are taken down from The Creative Platform and will be prepared for the ordinary world again


If you are interested in our services, please write us an email. We kindly ask you to give us as much information as possible, so that we can understand the problem at stake. We will get back to you, once we have analysed your situation and have some ideas for you to consider. 


Thank you in advance!

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