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Our strategy involves a series of expansions on the theory we use, as well as the development of new theories based on the experience we gain for future use. We aim to improve upon our product and discover new possibilities for it to advance.
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Short-term objectives

Since this is a start-up the following short-term objectives have been assigned for the next 5 years of operations:

  • Acquiring customer database

  • Acquiring funding for operations

  • Expanding the team of the company

  • Starting operations with the aim of gaining income

  • Going international – marketing strategy with international purposes

Mission, Vision and Goal statement
  • Mission statement

Our Mission is to ensure that creativity will bring up your business into the next evolutionary step of your development, whether you are a big enterprise or a small company.


  • Vision statement

Our vision is to spread the word about the Creative Platform and make it available to all kinds of industries and businesses.


  • Goal statement

  1. Apply our Creative Platform only for your needs and problems

  2. Educate you into using the Platform in your daily business processes

  3. Introduce creativity in everyday life business processes


More about our strategy you can learn from us directly by writing us an email through our contact form.

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